Since 2006, the “Steinwelten” (Worlds of stone) in the Granitzentrum Bayrischer Wald in Hauzenberg have opened their doors. The visitors are fascinated by the monumental architecture, the exciting productions and the informative exhibitions. The stories and things about the granite, this cold blood of the earth, inspire children as well as adults, professionals and laymen alike. An abandoned quarry with a romantic lake form the grandiose backdrop for a unique architecture that forms an intimate unity with the themes and contents that are staged in the house and in a historic log break.

A special experience is the “Granitweihnacht” – garnite chistmas, which takes place every year in Advent on the grounds of the stone worlds.

The tour through the Granit Center Bavarian Forest begins in the Granite Cinema with a 15-minute movie that sends viewers on a journey to a time immemorial long ago, as the granite was built deep in the earth. Then it goes back to the time of man and his handling of the stone – from the Stone Age to modern industry. Fascinating images and movies cast a spell over the viewer. After the visit of the cinema, the visitor enters an elevator into the interior of the earth.. In a dark cave, he will be fascinated by the glittering and colorful world of minerals, the crystalline treasures of our earth. After the reappearance in the daylight he will make an entertaining walk through the history of granite extraction and processing. The light-flooded exhibition room is filled by the reflections of the water surface of the quarry lake. Beyond the water surface a magnificent view of the break wall and the exhibition quarry is offered . Finally, the tour leads the visitor into the open air. Between old slewing cranes, roller conveyors and stonecutter huts, he learns the way of the granite from the break wall to the finished product. An old stonemason canteen invites you to a well deserved rest and snack.

The worlds of stone are worth more than a trip. The combination of innovative, powerful architecture, the historic ambience and the fascinating backdrop of an old quarry give rise to strong impressions. A magical light floods the rooms, whether day or night. The visitors are taking home an unforgettable experience.

Opening hours

April to October: every day from 10 am to 6 pm
January to March: 10 am to 4 pm daily
or by appointment

Address for information

Granitzentrum Bayerischer Wald, Passauer Straße 11, 94051 Hauzenberg , Tel. +49 8586/2266, Fax: +49 8586/6684.


Informations are also available directly from the tourist information office in Hauzenberg Town Hall

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